It's 11pm and I feel like taking all my kids out of their beds and bringing them into mine. In theory, it sounds great, all snuggling together with me gazing at them lovingly as they sleep in order of age. Listening to them breathing, whilst thinking that they're such little angels. But in reality, yeah right!! Even with a king size bed, I know I'll end up sleeping on the very edge almost falling off and at the same time trying to move a little foot that's pressed up hard against my forehead!!
So why even toy with such a thought you might ask? Well, probably because my husband's away for the next couple of days and I miss him already and I know that snuggling up to my babies will make me feel better. But yeah, reality check!! Maybe, I'll grab just one of them. Number 3 usually stays asleep, hehehe....
Sometimes (and I mean SOMETIMES!!) I find myself wishing I could just hide my kids from the rest of the world, keep them at home and not worry about going to school and doing all the things that the world expects of them. I wish I could be their Peter Pan and whisk them away from the monotony of life's responsibilities and let them be free. Free to play with no timetables and restraints of any kind. And in doing so, not have any concern of danger or illness.
As I imagine this, I see lots of glitter, sparkle and bright colours. Almost as if we were living in a snow globe, isolated from the grey of the real world. How nice would this be? For some, it might sound horrible and absurd, but for me at this very moment, it sounds magical. I yearn for this, a place where my children run free without a care in the world. And all they need is to be loved and taught to be kind, gentle, respectful and all other wonderful virtues, that will lead to everlasting happiness.
I am tempted to fight against the world's robotic moulding of my children but am reminded that they have to live IN this world and that sometimes "the road less travelled" isn't always the most favourable one, particularly if we are to be deemed (or stamped) as "normal" and be "rewarded" with society's acceptance that we, as humans, so naturally desire.
Still tempted? Yes, but only for a day, as I know I will have to eventually return them to the real world and any longer will prove to have repercussions. Oh and another reality check? Well, our trip to Neverland would probably only last till mid morning, cause by then I'll realise there's a reason why I do enjoy sending them to school = less fighting, crying, screaming and cleaner house. Hence, the emphasis on why I "sometimes find myself wishing...".
haha, so true :)