Hi there!!

Welcome to my Blog, nothing fancy just plain and simple but hopefully for the few seconds/minutes you have reading my page, it will give you an "oh yeah!" or "hehe" or maybe an "a-ha" moment. If not, I apologize. If so, you're welcome and I hope to see you again. Enjoy...

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My very first post...

So it's 7:30pm and my children are supposed to be in bed.  But what am I doing instead??  Setting up and writing my very first blog.  I know I'm going to pay for this "It'll only take a minute" decision I've made, but what the hell.  I've been contemplating starting a blog for quite some time.  I used to be very good at writing when I was in high school (some 10+ years ago and emphasis on the "used to be") and have been feeling that I need a creative outlet in this time of my life.  Something for me, something that I can call my own and hopefully be proud of.  Being a Mother of four young children, I need not only a creative outlet but an OUTLET that doesn't result in guilt or regret (i.e sore throat from yelling or broken window from smashed plate).  So here it is...

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